Please find below, frequently asked questions about this new promotional service, and if you would like more information, or would like to join up, contact Debby at
Q. How does this kind of promotion work?
A. You, the author, choose a link that takes the reader to your chosen web page, and Authors of Romance eBooks promotes that link for you.
Q. How long will my link be on the Authors of Romance eBooks blog site?
A. That depends on your agreement with AoRE.
Q. What is the cost to add a link to Authors of Romance eBooks?
A. At the moment, there is a special introductory offer of £5 for each month and £50 for one year. This means you will be getting two months free of charge out of twelve. I strongly advise that you promote yourself for at least 3 months if you want to tie in with one of the quarterly Romance eBooks Newsletters, where this blog will be promoted. Their release dates are January 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st.
Q. What do I get for my money?
A. Pure and simple - promotion. For just a small fee, readers receive a direct link to your web page where they can discover everything you want them to know about you and your books. All you have to do is make it worth their while.
Q. How do you promote the Authors of Romance eBooks blog?
A. The Romance eBooks Newsletter
Every issue will host a page specially dedicated to the Authors of Romance eBooks blog. Authors who are on its lists will have the privilege to make announcements and inform readers of any updates to their work or websites.
As an added bonus, a selected author from the list will be highlighted in every newsletter with their own personal spotlight.
Please note that authors on the list will automatically have priority over those who are not, but it is not compulsory to be on the list to appear in the newsletter.
At the moment, each issue of The Romance eBooks Newsletter is promoted by myself and all the authors and publishers who are involved in each issue.
Yahoo! Search Engine
Last time I checked, The Romance eBooks Newsletter was on the 1st page of Yahoo! in a search for Romance eBooks. How great is that? With some technical assistance, I'm working my way to get on the 1st page of Google Search too.
Fiction Magazines and Websites
I am currently doing some research on best selling fiction magazines and websites to see what their advertising fees are. Prices, of course, will have a slight increase to enable this kind of promotion to take effect, but if you have already paid the special introductory prices, then you could have a bargain of a promotion on your hands!
I'm hoping to link up with some of these sites so I can steer some traffic our way (traffic in the way of readers!) I'm also lined up to do a few interviews and with any luck, some more to follow.
Until this new promotional service is established, the special offers will still apply, pending further notice. However, if anyone has any great ideas of where to promote, please don't hesitate to put your ideas forward to me. They could benefit you too!
Q. So, if I have already paid £50 for one year and the prices change, then I don't have to pay the difference?A. Not at all. Once you have paid for the full year, your contract is guaranteed.
Q. What if I don’t write romance?
A. Don’t worry. Due to demand, new promotional blog sites are currently in the pipeline.
Q. What are the other promotional blog sites in the pipeline?
One’s to look out for are Authors of Paranormal eBooks, Authors of Sci-Fi eBooks, Authors of Mystery and Suspense eBooks, Authors of Horror eBooks, Authors of Crime eBooks, Authors of Gay Romance eBooks and Authors of Non-Fiction eBooks.
Moving away from the genre field, there will also be an eBook Stores and Publishers blog site, where your books will hopefully be found if your publisher or bookseller adds their name to the listing. All details can be found here
Feel free to contact me at if you are interested in signing up for any of these blog sites. The first 5 authors to join any of the lists above will receive a free place on the listing for one year. Otherwise, prices are as above for the time being.
Q. What can I do to help make my promotion succeed?
A. Just to make sure your chosen website is up-to-date and interesting enough to keep your readers gripped.
Your writing career is like a 24 carat gold chain. The more links you have on it, the more valuable it becomes? Each interested reader is a golden opportunity. Can you afford to break that link?
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